Hello! 👋 I'm

Damien Chapart

Software engineer.

I'm a student at université de la rochelle and software engineer. I'm passionate about web development, and I love to learn new things.

🤖 Qui suis-je

Damien Chapart
Damien Chapart

Etudiant en licence pro et développeur full stack

Hello and welcome, I am a junior developer, passionate about new technologies and their abilities to improve the productivity of companies. I have a keen interest in exploring innovative solutions and staying updated with the latest tech trends.

I have been working on various personal and professional projects in the field of IT for several years, particularly in web development and hosting. I have experience in working with diverse programming languages and frameworks, and I am always eager to learn more.

🚀 Mes projets


2024 - Aujourd'hui

Moove est un projet né lors d'un startup weekend, il a pour but de faciliter la vie des étudiants en leur permettant de trouver facilement des événements à proximité leur lieux d'études.

En savoir plus

🖋️Article récents

19 février 2023

🖋️ Les autres project


Mars 2024

perf'N Zen

2022 - 2023

Performance Webarketing

2022 - 2023


2019 - 2020